Afrotech Day 2

The second day of Afrotech began with student specific events. Recruiters were on-site taking resumes and talking about what roles their company had available. There were a lot of opportunities for internships from companies like Amazon, Pinterest, Snapchat, Facebook, and many others. Code2040 also hosted a talk on the coding interview process. As Tommy and Isiah are Code2040 alumni they were able to be more involved in the talk and give insight for those who were interested. The speaker for Code2040 suggest asking questions and tackling the coding problem after you have thought about it first. You should also maintain a conversation with the interviewer to let them know your thought process and show them that you can communicate effectively even if you don’t end up with a correct solution. It’s normal to have bad interviews, you should keep practicing and applying until you feel confident. Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback from the interviewer on what you could improve upon.  Later in the day we listened to a panel of professionals speak on navigated technical careers and one piece of advice that they gave is to really be yourself and let your accomplishments and failures be teachable moments. Even if you don’t have a lot of experience in an area, you can still be successful while you learn and grow. The rest of the conference was mainly for networking and learning more about different black owned businesses and programs. We listened to people pitch their startups and got the chance to learn more about Jessie Williams and his business ventures. He emphasized that we should be giving back to the community and striving to be examples for the future generation. Scroll down for Day 1 of Afrotech.

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